West Michigan Mid-Sixties News
Kingtones Live in Grand Rapids!
A message from the Kingtones!
The Kingtones have been asked to play Pulaski Weekend, Oct. 3 & 4, at St. Georges' Hall in Grand Rapids. Although we have been retired, we do remember the clubs and people that were good to us when we were playing on a regular basis and have decided that we will play for them. So on October 3 & 4, come on down to St. Georges' Hall and join the party with us. This could be the last time you will ever see the Kingtones playing together.
Check out the Kingtones Web Site, www.kingtones.com, "Tour Dates," for further details. We hope you can make it and would love to see you. Take care.
Bruce, Phil, George, Jim
Should be a good show!
I have know the kingtones for 28 years and the group was fantastic. I liked the music very well. Good Luck on your retirement years. Hope to see you all soon
Posted by: Deb Corwin at May 30, 2009 07:19 PMDoes anyone know where Gil King is? I've tried for years to find him as he and I were the best friends but somehow lost contact over the years. Gil, if you are reading this - or if anyone knows where his brother Craig is, please let me know. Thanks - Sue
Posted by: Sue Greiner Fischer at September 28, 2010 04:07 PMMessage to Sue Greiner Fisher I am sorry to have to tell You that Gil passed away a few years ago. I don't know of his brothers location, but could put You in contact with His cousin Mike King if needed. Sorry once again. Jim Lewis (Kingtones)
Posted by: Jim Lewis at September 28, 2010 05:24 PM