West Michigan Mid-Sixties Bands

TNS Blues Band

Grand Rapids
Rogers High

Last updated on May 17, 2004.

TNS was a power trio. Steve Barkwell on Bass (Giboson EB-0) Randy ??? on Guitar, and Dave Dehoog on Drums. They opitimized the Marshall Sound. The cover of Free's "All Right Now" is still ringing in my ears. And all on a wood basketball court at Wyoming Rogers High School. 1972

Posted by: Tom Baird at March 17, 2005 11:58 PM

randy nichols was the guitar player , dave dehoog was the drummer , bob decocq was the orignal bass player and he was replaced with steve barkwell . decocq was the one who played the gibson EBO . they were loud and proud.

Posted by: patty s at March 2, 2006 06:05 PM

I bought a 45 by TNS at the Goodwill on Division Ave in GR back in about 1981 or so. Ever since then I have been trying to find out any band info or heck, even finding anyone else having the record. Until now, no one (not even Aris, lol) has been able to provide any info. The songs on my 45 are "Time's Up" and "Telling Your Fortune" and my gawd, they are two of the best guitar hard rock songs I have ever heard. Both were recorded at Sound Associates and the 45 is on their own TNS label. I can provide pics of both sides of the 45 if you send me info on where to send it. Thanks! Randy D. (born and raised in GR and now living in NC)

Posted by: Randy Darrah at June 28, 2006 12:53 AM

Do you remember a band called Blues Invention with Leo Najar on guitar (speaking of "blues")??

They played at a dance at Forest Hills High School in the late 60's, too.

Posted by: kim rush at September 14, 2006 03:13 PM

Funny you should mention Leo Najar. I took a few lessons from him when I first started playing and was 13 or so - nice guy and a good player. Lived fairly close to me. I was on Osceola.


Posted by: Kevin at October 1, 2006 01:22 PM

Leo Najar went to Ottawa Hills HS and played on a jazz album recorded by the OHHS Jazz Band around 70 or 71. He was a versatile player. Does he still play?

Posted by: kenny at April 30, 2007 03:13 PM

I was reading the article that was posted here and it was sure nice to see that somebody remembered the TNS Band of Rogers High School.But the members of the band are not exactly right,you forgot the lead singer Allen Martinez.Although I was not from Rogers High School,Ilived in the Grand Rapids area.If anyone happens to have a 45 of Times Up the words were written by myself and the music by Randy Nichols.Those were good times.

Posted by: Allen Martinez at February 14, 2009 04:54 PM

Wasn't TNS the band that did a cover of "Tootie Fruity" that got some local radio play?

Posted by: bryan at July 14, 2009 05:52 PM

Looking for info on Ted Jones guitarist for a band called The Frogs ran an underground radio station out of GR and a recording label as well. Looking for his Les Paul any info appreciated.

Posted by: Jim at January 6, 2015 12:50 PM
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