West Michigan Mid-Sixties Bands



Last updated on May 17, 2004.

What!!!! Nothing about the Sheffields out of Holland. "Nothing I Can Do" from May 1965, "My Lovin' Days Are Though" from November 1965, "Do You Still Love Me" from May 1966 and "Fool Minus A
Heart" from March 1967. C'mon give some props.

Posted by: don at November 4, 2005 03:51 PM

My name is Oscar Mascorro and I remember seeing the Sheffieldds play at the Holland Armory in the mid 60's. They were very popular in the Holland area. Many years later I got to know all of the members and ended up playing in a couple bands with some of them. The draft had a lot to do with their breakup. Good Times.
Base guitar - Dale Knoll
Lead Guitar - Ron Gibson
Rythmn Guitar-John Dunn
Drums Rodney Mullett
Lead singer -Gary Teal

Posted by: Oscar Mascorro at January 11, 2006 11:30 AM

my dad was in this band. im trying to track down records (vinyl) by the sheffields. email me at sailorsgrave1904@hotmail.com if you know any sources :)

Posted by: adam mullett at April 10, 2006 06:39 AM

I just may have a few "Sheffies" vinyls tucked away, love, Dad.

Posted by: Yendor Ttellum at May 30, 2006 11:50 AM

the sheffields from holland was my favorite bands from the sixties,i was 15,16 and seventeen wheni was buying thier vinyl,love to have those old 45's in my collection today but they're gone now,good news though is a couple years ago i found nothing i can do on a compilation three album set titled scream loud the fenton story at the corner record store on chicago drive in grandville,hey the west michigan music scene in the sixties was awsome,brings back good memories.

Posted by: rick at December 26, 2008 06:55 AM

"Nothing i can do " one of the first records i bought at 13 at courtland TV in ROckford . Saw it performed on the MCkay show . Heard it later on WLAV and bought it next day . Say you guys in the 90s at wodj reunion sunday at 54th st complex here in Grand Rapids . Was a great band .

Posted by: Tom Lindquist at February 22, 2009 02:49 AM

The Sheffields also had a member named Dave Raffenaud. I'm not sure when he played with them but he is now the keyboard player for the swing, jazz band, Jive at Five.
Does anybody remember The Edgar Alan Poe Club in Holland? I was just a little young to be able to go there but we did have our 7th grade graduation party there. There was also a popular club called The Factory in Holland that had local and national bands play there. I saw the Ventures there. Also Noah's Ark in Saugatuck was a hot spot for local and national bands. The building is still there and if you go inside there's some old hippy paintings on the wall. I saw them there about 5 years ago. Or was that just some kind of weird flashback I was having?

Posted by: Mark at June 3, 2009 07:29 PM

I remember seeing The Sheffields at the Lowell Show Boat, and watching them on The Dick McKay tv program.
I enjoyed their tune: "Nothing I Can Do", if you know how I can get a copy, please, let know.

Posted by: Steve Whitford at July 16, 2010 06:44 PM

Steve: "Nothing I Can Do" is available on CD on the "Scream Loud! The Fenton Story" double LP that was released a few years ago. You can also go to this blog site: ht tp://expo67-cavestones.blog spot.com/2011/04/sheffields-nothing-i-can-do.html?spref=fb to listen to the song. (I've had to add a couple of spaces in the link to get it through this site's filter.)

Posted by: Eric Teall at July 19, 2011 10:29 AM
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